Kim Kardashian Doesn't Let Rumors Get to Her

It seems that no matter what magazine you pick up these days, there is always at least  one story about reality television star Kim Kardashian.  The problem is, most of the times, these stories don't even turn out to be true!
So how does Kim deal with all the rumors spread about her?!  EASY!  She has simply stopped letting the rumors bother her at all!

"Rumors don't bother me anymore," Kardashian told Self magazine. "I've read that I've had my lips done. I've always had big lips.  Look at my baby pictures.  It's ridiculous!  Or they'll show one picture of me today and one tomorrow and say I've had my nose done in between.  When?  Didn't you just see me yesterday?  And how many times have I 'had my butt done?'  People's logic is  so weird.  I don't know why they bother. You can't worry about all the gossip."

But fighting off rumors wasn't all Kim talked about in her interview.  She also gave her biggest tip on how she keeps her hair so shiny!

"My hair tricks are that I don't wash it every day, which helps it shine," she explained. "I also switch up the shampoo I use all the time."

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